January 11, 2010

The Advantage of Learning English for Brain

Good news for those who love to learn English. Don't you know that learning English (and any other foreign languages) can stimulate our brain performance? Hang on second, how is it so?

To begin with, let's touch on plain facts about human brain's anatomy. As we know, the modern human's brain consists of two parts; i.e. the right and left part. The right part is chiefly responsible for creative activities; whereas, the left plays a vital role in academic learning. The right part of the brain emphasizes on rhymes, rhythm, music, pictures, imagination. The left manages words, logic, numbers, figures, mathematics, and order. Both are interconnected by a 'bridge' named corpus collosum.

Basing our reasoning on that series of scientific facts, we now learn that studying a foreign language activates two parts of the brain simultaneously. Briton entrepreneur and researcher Colin Rose gives an example of how our magnificent brain works when a song is played. Rose adds that as we listen to a song, the left part of brain automatically digests the lyrics. In the meantime, the right part processes the music (rhythms, beats, etc). 

Another example I find is when we have to write a composition. Our brain's left part decides what diction is used, maintains the coherence and cohesiveness (logic), applies sequential order of our ideas, works on the grammatical construction and so forth. The right part of our brain, at the same time, is in charge of imagination. It also helps us write a catchy title for our composition (be it an essay, a short story, a novel, anything). 

Regardless of our chronological age, learning a foreign language proves to be effective to keep our grey cells energized, sharp, and agile. Keep this old axiom in mind: "use it or lose it". See you on our next post!


  1. i wont lose it so this is what im doing now,typing lyrics then sing it. thanks to my other speakin lect whose 'push' us to sing in front of th class for th midterm test. another activity,my next project is making a video bout stdnt behavior but first i have to buy my own dig.cam. life is powerless without dream,right?

  2. Anonymous,
    Digital camera? You don't have to. A camera phone is enough.


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