October 05, 2009

New Jump Break Feature did Break my Heart!

Tonight is probably one of my finest nights ever. My prayer was just granted. Alhamdulillah, Thank God. My blog is back to normalcy and 'sanity'. I bet some of you frown "Anything was wrong with this blog?".  Yeah, if you just happened to visit this blog once or twice or never (which means this is your maiden visit), I thought you missed something in my blog's layout. The layout was a bit messy. The right column of this blog was abnormally located below the other column so it looked weird on so many levels. I asked frantically to some fellow bloggers who are far more experienced but turned out they have not solved this type of disorder. I went desperate but then I got the 'AHA' moment!

So this is how I got the answer:
1. the AHA moment was the suddenly appearing idea which seemed unspecial, asking this issue to those who are known to be responsible for the platform I am currently using. "CLICK the BLOGGER HELP link on your dashboard right now, moron!", that was what my brain instructed me. 
2. After clicking the link just like what my brain ordered, to cut the long story short I somehow found a box in which I could type my question about blogging issues I encounter. 
3. Next, I posted my question.
4. After several days, I got some email notifications on my layout issue but none of them brought enlightment. One may address the problem of conflicting 'read more' techniques but he did not specify the steps to tackle the mess.
5. Everything appeared hopeless until I found this.

Someone whose initial is HBL answered my question and elaborated what the root of the problem was and how to get everything back to normalcy. As HBL advised, I had to savedeach post to draft manually! Though it sounded tiresome and time wasting, it was worth it. It turned out the posts using the new jump break feature (the feature to enable 'read more') were the triggers! I removed ALL the jump breaks I applied to those posts and had them republished one by one. Voila! This blog regained its gorgeous look.
And to beautify it more, I figured changing the template (again!). I know when it comes to my blog's look, I am so insatiable. Luckily I discovered the template I am using now. Without forgetting to backup all the widgets I already have, I uploaded this new amazing template called 'UltimateBlogger'. Simply click here to get the zip file of 'UltimateBlogger' or if you wonder how it looks, click the demo.


  1. Alhamdulillah bro, I wish you've got new spirit to build your blog better in the future :-)

  2. well done bro !
    thanks for sharing this with us, so anyone facing such problem know how to handle it ..

    Iklan Gratis

  3. @iklan gratis: thanks for reading. look forward to your next visit here ^_^


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