December 04, 2009

Word Formation (4) : Adjective Formation

Previously on our post series on word formation, we already discussed verb formation, adverb formation, and noun formation. Now it is the time for adjective formation.

Add these suffixes to many nouns to form adjectives:
  • -y : smelly, rainy,sunny, lengthy
  • -ic/-ical : diabolic, mechanical, surgical
  • -ful : handful, resentful, wishful
  • -less : careless, breathless, painless
  • -ly : lovely, orderly *
Add this suffix to many verbs to form adjectives:
  • -ible/able : evitable, doable, irreversible 
Those are several endings/ suffixes that are mostly used in English. Other than the previously mentioned, there are actually some suffixes we can add to form adjectives.

*) As we notice on the prior post, ending -ly also serves as adverb suffix. Beware of this ending as it may cause confusion.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this great article. i think it's match for you who have mastered in english :D

    *a great blog theme too*


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